Quinn Osseck | January 29, 2024

Meet Our Sales Reps for the West Coast and Central US

Omni Aircraft Sales has been in the business of private aircraft acquisition and brokerage services for 40 years, and choosing the right team members is a crucial part of what makes our operation so enduring — and so successful.

If you’d like to sell or buy a private aircraft in the western or central portion of the United States, you’ll be working with one of two sales representatives: Dan Burnstein or James Norris.

Both Dan and James have years of experience in aviation sales, unique qualifications, and a passion for achieving their client’s goals. Today, we’re getting to know each of these aviation experts a little better.

Dan Burnstein

Dan Burnstein


As an accomplished pilot with more than 10,000 flight hours, Dan brings an undeniable level of expertise to his current position as the chairman of Omni Aircraft Sales — just as he did during his 24 years as our CEO. Dan’s focus on safety, dedication to stellar service, and extensive knowledge of aircraft sales are apparent in every transaction.

Today, Dan is an avid adventurer and vegan who enjoys combining these two interests during his frequent travels, finding the best plant-based cuisine in each city he visits. In his free time, you’ll find Dan hanging out with his family, bonding with his rescue dogs, boating, or cooking plant-based meals.

James Norris

James Norris

Regional Sales Associate

As a regional sales associate for Omni Aircraft Sales, James finds joy in cultivating relationships with clients and informing their buying and selling decisions. He started at Omni Aircraft Sales in 2019 as an aircraft research analyst, employing his prior experience with business operations and sales jobs at Textron Aviation, FlightSafety International, and TRU Simulation & Training. James is a multifaceted sales representative who takes every opportunity to deepen his understanding of all aspects of our company, from market research analysis to portfolio development.

In his free time, you’ll find James hanging out with his wife and two sons, watching sports, or enjoying the outdoors.

Start Your Omni Aircraft Sales Journey

Regardless of which sales representative guides your sales journey, you’ll be met with understanding, expertise, and unparalleled customer care. Whatever your private aircraft ambitions may be, we’ll get you there (and in the air) as seamlessly as possible. For more information check out our website, or reach out to Dan or James!

Dan Burnstein:


(918) 671-8382


James Norris:


(918) 633-1366

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